Friday, June 6, 2008

Commuting By Bike

I'm about to become a full time bike commuter. I'm a little ashamed though. It's not the situation where I was inspired in some "light from above" way, but I actually will just be living so freaking close to work that it makes no sense to drive!

Oh, I don't think I mentioned it before, but we are moving to Alexandria, Virginia, right in Old Town. So biking is going to be so easy.

I don't think I'm using a different bike either. I'll just use the Epic. Yeah, it's not really a commuter, no panniers or bell, and certainly not an ergonomic riding position, but hey, its got wheels and brakes. I'll think I'll be alright.

One reason I didn't really want to bike to work before was the lack of a shower. I could get a YMCA membership but I didn't want to pay for that so that I had to at least ride x number of days to make even that worth it. Under pressure like that, I would probably not keep up with it.

Also, the metro is close by so that if I had to go somewhere else, I would be able to just hop right on and not have to worry about traffic or gas... ahh... being free from gas. That sounds really nice.

Bike commuting is great because if you enjoy riding, at least you get a small amount of time on the bike without having to feel like you have to ride after work if you are tired.

Have any of you guys and gals bike commuted to work before? I did it a handful of times here in Tulsa, but that's about 9 miles each way. Not bad, but I needed a shower for sure! I'll be alright in VA, being only about 5 blocks away!

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